Noks is a very smart and very kind person. She gets straight away the issue of the topic. She gave me very good advices, very focus to the point, she understands the situation and makes you focus to the right things. Very good session. Thanks”

- AC, Italy

Noks’ coaching strengths include presence, empathy, caring and leading the session well. Noks has a genuine interest and passion to serve clients and bring out the greatness in them. It was pleasure to have been coached by her. 

- SS, Germany

Noks showed active listening, partnering, being nice and kind, well focus on topic, very good managing the session. I found the session very resourceful, inspiring and solution focused.

- DB, Romania

Noks is a great listener, with great problem solving attitude She discovers easily the issues behind the words. She understand people and is able to guide them easily and accurately to work through issues.

- ES, Romania